Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Best Advice To Follow When Enrolling In CPR Certification Online

You are thinking about starting your CPR Certification Training, you know how important CPR Certifications are, you have seen the possibilities to enroll for a CPR Certification Online, and are weighing your options. Well, your decision could not be better and you could not have come to a better place.

At American Safety Training Institute, all our Online CPR Courses can be taken 24/7 and scheduled to meet your requirements. So no matter how busy your schedule is or where you live, you can become certified sitting at the comfort of your home.

CPR Certification Online

If you are interested to enroll in Online CPR Certification but are not sure, the below FAQs might help you.

Is CPR Certification Online Training Acceptable?

If this question is popping on your mind, then probably you are looking for a clear answer, and that answer is – Yes!

For those wanting to expand their knowledge about CPR and First Aid to stay prepared for an emergency situation, online training is more than sufficient.

How Long is the Online Certification Valid?

Once completed, your CPR Certification Online will be valid for two years. And when the time comes to re-certify, we are again there to help!

The re-certification process is simple. As there is no cost involved for training, you can only pay for the certification itself. You can take as much time as you need to review the course material. Upon completing the exam and receiving the passing score,  your CPR Certification will be renewed for another two years. Can it get easier than that? I guess, No!

How Long are the Classes Online?

One of the best parts about completing your CPR Certification Online is that each course allows you to learn at your own pace. No time limits or a specified amount of hours are required, you can complete the course in your free time. Take as much time as you need to make sure you have gained a thorough understanding of the subject matter so you can feel confident in passing the exam.

And once you pass the exam and receive a passing score, you will have qualified for certification in just minutes. It’s all up to you!

Some Greatest Benefits of Online CPR Certification Training

What makes Online CPR Training such an incredible option? What are some of the unique advantages of pursuing a CPR Certification? And what about online re-certification?

Save Greatly on Training Costs

If you have ever considered or inquired about enrolling in a traditional CPR or First Aid Course, then you already know what costs are involved. And if you have not, then let’s be very clear these traditional courses are going to cost you several dollars.

So, making the choice to complete your training online can save both your valuable time and hard-earned money. Also, many institutions allow you the benefit of paying the amount only after you complete the course and pass the exam. A great deal no?!

Courses are Always Available

Another greatest benefit is that you can sign up and start learning at any time. Traditional courses require planning and coordinating beforehand. But there’s nothing as such with CPR Certification Online. And you are probably not going to find a traditional course that begins just when you need it to. Availability is never an issue with online classes. You can begin any moment you sign up. No wait, no fuss.

Sign up today with to get certified today in just 3 easy steps!

Monday, March 15, 2021

5 Best Reasons to Get CPR Certification Training Online5 Best Reasons to Get CPR Certification Training Online

There are so many reasons why taking CPR Certification Training Online. Some of the best reasons why getting CPR Certifications is important are discussed below:

1. Meet the Employment Guidelines.

There are so many people working in the health care industry. More often they allow their CPR Certification to lapse. Some people may have a lapse of a few days as their schedule didn’t line up perfectly whereas others end up with unpaid leave. In some circumstances, the expired CPR Certifications can cause immense tremendous liability issues for both individuals and businesses.

If you want to make sure that you stay up-to-date on the most recent techniques and best practices, you should consider enrolling in CPR Certification Training Online. This way, you’ll protect your remaining credentials; protect yourself, your employer and the people you’re there to help.

2. Get Confident During Emergency Situations.

CPR Certification is a must for lots of situations than just those include a heart attack, someone choking, or breathing or heart health emergency. When you join CPR Certification Training Course, you will be trained on how to evaluate the safety of a situation, what type of things to focus on like delegating tasks and calling emergency medical help.

This course can provide you with the confidence that you need to handle the emergency situation whenever it happens. More often people panic and freeze not because they don’t care or aren’t compassionate; but rather they don’t have any idea on where to start and how to get started.

3. Save Someone You Really Love and Adore.

What will you do, when you find someone you love and care in an emergency situation? It may be your partner, family member or a friend. One of the most tragic circumstances anyone can ever come across is the death or severe injury of a loved one in their presence. There must be a question going on in their mind that “is there something more I could’ve done”!

In most circumstances, the harsh truth is a big yes; you could have done more to save them. You can expect to step up and perform the necessary things if you’ve the confidence, training and resources you really need in that moment.

However, CPR Certification Course motivates you to protect the wellbeing and possibly the life of your loved ones in almost every kind of emergency situation like choking, cardiac arrests, unconsciousness, etc.

4. Learn Something New and Useful.

Learning CPR allows you learn lots of important skills and knowledge that can help you save a life under specific circumstances. For more people, the value placed on getting new knowledge is enough to encourage them to sign up for CPR Course.

CPR Certification is a perfect way to explore your curiosity level, learn something new and useful and feel confident that the time you invest into learning is the time well-spent.

5. Make a Significant Difference.

If you’ve the knowledge of CPR and the confidence to get started assisting someone requiring emergency medical assistance, you can make a significant difference. If you’ve the tools to assess and help while the medical professionals are on the way, you might be giving that suffering person the greatest gift that they’ve received ever – a second chance of life.

Get CPR Certified with ASTI Today.

Are you ready to make a decision on CPR Certification Training? If yes, then get started with ASTI (American Safety Training Institute) today. You’ll keep explore your curiosity about CPR with the knowledge while training, prepare yourself to protect your loved ones and make a significant difference in the life of a suffering person. Sign up for CPR Certification Online!